Rock Bug Weekday Update for February 9, 2009
Pretty sure this post will go down in Spidertrax Blog history as the shortest & quickest post yet. The clock is ticking with plenty to finish up, so we will keep today’s entry down to a minimum. Enjoy the very quick 33 second video taken today at 3:30 pm MST. As far as the schedule of things to come, we are wrapping up the body panels right now and will then move onto fabricating the engine skid plate, arms for the rear sway bar, shifters for the t-case, and finally head rests. Our goal is to have everything ready by this Wednesday the 11th. At which point, Tracy will take the Rock Bug back to AZ to finish the last bit of wiring as well as dyno the Scat V4. Be sure to check back tomorrow as the body panels should be wrapped up by then.