Home > Glen Helen Grand Prix > 3 Tips for Following the 2011 Ultra4 Grand Prix

3 Tips for Following the 2011 Ultra4 Grand Prix

October 20th2011
 By Thom Kingston on 2011-10-20T09:29:50-06:00 | Glen Helen Grand Prix

Time sure does fly when you’re having fun and this years Ultra4 season is certainly no exception. This weekend, October 22nd, marks the end of the 2011 Ultra4 Series. This certainly lends the question, have they saved the best for last? Time will tell but having personally been to this debut race course at Glen Helen I can say with certainty that everyone, from driver to spectator, is in for a blast!

Similar in style to the Ultra4 Stampede, I’ll be on course again with Harry Wagner providing the official live text coverage, via Cover-It-Live, for Ultra4Racing. So as to get the most out of this weekends live coverage, I wanted to share 3 quick tips that should make following the race that much easier.

1) All Live Feeds in One Place (Best for Desktop Users) – http://ultra4racing.com/live/
This is the best of the best in terms of live coverage. On this page you’ll find all of the live feeds available, namely a running video feed via Ustream and a text feed via Cover-It-Live. Keep an eye out for a third feed on this page, namely the score board which if all goes as planned will display the lap times and race leaders live.

2) Text Feed Only (Often Best for Mobile Users) – http://ultra4racing.com/livechat/
Sometimes mobile devices have a hard time displaying video and text updates together. If you fall into that category, you can always grab just the text feed following this link. The text feed is powered by Cover-It-Live and allows for text updates, in-line photos, and user comments on just about any mobile device. So if all else fails, you should still be able to follow the race on your mobile device.

3) Times to Watch – http://ultra4racing.com/the-inside-line/4wheel-parts-glen-helen-grand-prix-spectator-information/
The race is on Saturday, October 22nd, and starts at 11am PST. With the gates opening at 9am, it’s highly likely live content will find it’s way to the interwebs early.

That’s it for now. Best of luck to all the teams & drivers this weekend and we’ll see you at Glen Helen (or online)!