Home > Glen Helen Grand Prix, Ultra4 > Pole position.

Pole position.

July 23rd2012
 By Thom Kingston on 2012-07-23T07:55:10-06:00 | Glen Helen Grand Prix, Ultra4

Seems like every race Jason goes to, he manages to qualify first. He’s fast, real fast in fact, with his new IFS Ultra4 Spider 9 powered racer. Luck has not been on his side so far this year though, with new vehicle gremlins popping up each race he hits. As for Glen Helen last Saturday, where we took this shot above as Jason was staged in the pole position, he was the one to beat. Lap after lap, he furthered his first place lead and appeared unstoppable. Then, as often happens with vehicles at Glen Helen, Jason’s transmission went. We have no doubt, once Jason get’s his new machine dialed in, it will be unstoppable.