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Hard work does pay off.

September 30th2012
 By Thom Kingston on 2012-09-30T08:15:21-06:00 | TORC

20120930-065130.jpgSpidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

We’ll never forget Brad’s first ever TORC short course race. It was roughly three years ago, and took place at the legendary Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. This was also our first TORC race and after staring at Crandon’s death defying Turn 1, we may have been more nervous than Brad!

He got thru that first race, somewhere in the back of the Pro Light pack, and although he spun out a few times he didn’t get hurt or destroy the rig, so we thought it was a win. In our minds, we knew it was just a matter of time before the world we see Brad Lovell on the TORC podium. Yesterday, that idea became reality.

After two solid runs in TORC’s rounds 13 & 14 competitions, Brad Lovell of Lovell Racing was honored with winning the entire Pro Light series. When Brad spoke on the podium, he gave thanks to all of his early sponsors for taking a chance on a rookie team. The feeling was mutual for us, but in the opposite way. This was also our first venture into Spider 9 components specifically for short course, so we greatly thank Brad and his team for trusting in us as well.

Congrats again to Brad Lovell, his family, and the entire Lovell Racing team for proving once again that hard work does pay off.