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Adding a little Instagram to the mix.

December 11th2012
 By Thom Kingston on 2012-12-11T11:44:48-07:00 | The Shop

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

When we kicked off this blog back in 2008, we quickly found a place that needed some added content. Namely, live updates from rock crawling and rock racing events. Armed with nothing but an iPhone, we would run around on competition day shooting everything we could, and posting those updates online for those to see.

Fast forward to today, and some of those needs (and desires) have changed a bit. While we hit just about every rock racing event in the states, we’ve focused more on “real” photos lately, which work great for sharing after the race is over. It’s hard to do both “live” and “real” with just one person, so the “real” has won for the time being. For those new to our blog, you can check out a years worth of “real” competition photos over at http://www.flickr.com/photos/spidertrax/ . All full resolution files, watermark free, and Creative Commons. Good times for sure.

Now, back to the story at hand. We miss “live” photos and more importantly, find that having done the “real” photos for sometime there’s really no easy place to sneak these “live” ones in. Well, hopefully we have that solved, to some degree. Our Instagram account, “spidertrax”, is now officially up and running. While we always post all of our content right here on the blog (so if you’re subscribed here, you’re getting every social media thing we offer), Instagram will give us the excuse/justification we need to get back to shooting “live” type iPhone photos. The focus of course is on the stuff that’s happing right now, such as what we’re working on, what event’s we’re at (not so much event coverage but at least a baseline of what’s happening), even progress pictures of our new shop.

So, if you’re on the blog and subscribed, you’ll see a few more “live” photos from us throughout the week courtesy of Instagram. For those looking for just that type of “live” content, or want to make sure they never miss one of those photos, follow us on Instagram. Alright, that’s it for now, back to work.