Home > Ultra4s at Superlift > Full res 2014 Genright Ultra4s at Superlift photo set, now available.

Full res 2014 Genright Ultra4s at Superlift photo set, now available.

April 14th2014
 By Thom Kingston on 2014-04-14T08:11:46-06:00 | Ultra4s at Superlift

Collage Squared -- 2014 Genright Ultra4s at SuperliftSpidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

We’ve wrapped up some of our favorite shots from this year’s Genright Ultra4s at Superlift competition, and man what a race it was. Congrats again to Chicky Barton for the main race win and Tom Wayes for taking 1st in the Ultra4 vs Rockbouncer shootout. Both of these rigs were powered by Spider 9 IFS axles, nothing like fueling the Solid Axle vs IFS debate :) . Full res photos now available on Flickr ( https://flic.kr/s/aHsjWtdVTL ), as always all photos are watermark free and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution. So, feel free to download and share. Till next time!