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High res photos from King of the Glens, now available.

June 2nd2014
 By Thom Kingston on 2014-06-02T10:18:56-06:00 | King of the Glens

Collage -- 2014 King of the GlensSpidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

We’re wrapping up our 2014 King of the Glens trip with 10 of our favorite shots. There’s plenty more to go through, and in typical fashion we’ll be posting more as time allows throughout the race season, but for now you can download and share our favorites in full resolution on Flickrhttps://flic.kr/s/aHsjXQrSzh ) .

Next up, the 2014 Metalcloak Stampede this weekend, June 6th – June 7th. The Metalcloak Stampede is currently shaping up to be the largest single Ultra4 race outside of King of the Hammers, with 90+ drivers already registered. It’s going to be big, literally. We’ll be there, stay tuned for updates.