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Axle shafts for KOH.

November 25th2014
 By Thom Kingston on 2014-11-25T14:28:40-07:00 | Spider 9

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Thanks in large part to the upcoming 2015 King of the Hammers, we’re currently sitting on our largest axle shaft manufacturing run in the history of Spidertrax. Sure it’s a bit early, but if there was a word to describe 2015 KOH so far, it would be “readiness”. Never before have we seen so many racers prepping as intensely as we are currently seeing, and make no mistake this fuel for preparation will mean only one thing: the 2015 King of the Hammers will be the most intense race yet. With that said, AN IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING AXLE SHAFT LEAD-TIMES. 

We batch our axle shafts run’s per month, so for those still waiting to get their axle shaft orders in, we will need your phone order by November 26th (that’s tomorrow) -or- an order placed online by November 30th (end of month) so as to have your axle shafts ready to ship by December 31st. This would give you a nice 1 month cushion before the big race, which is a good place to be.

If you place an axle shaft order in the month of December, your shafts would be ready to ship by January 30th. Even by Ultra4 standards, that’s cutting it WAY CLOSE for racing KOH.

So, please get that axle shaft order in by tomorrow (over phone) or by the end of the month (online) if you’re planning for the 2015 KOH. This Thursday & Friday we’re off for the holidays, hence the reason why phones aren’t available those two days.

With that, back to making axles shafts (and other Spider 9 goodness) we go.