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A few updates for Ultra4 2015.

December 26th2014
 By Thom Kingston on 2014-12-26T12:09:38-07:00 | Ultra4

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

The 2015 race season hasn’t yet started, but we already have ourselves some big changes newly minted. Dave Cole dropped some big news on Christmas Eve, and while this “Holiday Greetings from Dave Cole” letter was focused primarily on the 2015 Ultra4 European Tour, the domestic tour has been impacted a bit as well. Summary of changes as follows:

1) Jose Rui Santos is now the Managing Director for Ultra4 Europe, otherwise known as taking the position currently resigned by Neil Whitford. Two thoughts here; first off Jose is a rock star. He is the guy you sit down to express ideas of the sport, direction, and what can be done to make things better… and you leave the table absolutely pumped. He’s among the best of the best, and Ultra4 Europe should be proud to have Jose officially as Managing Director. With that said, hats off and a huge thanks to Neil Whitford, who without his help in the infancy stages of Ultra4 Europe, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are today. Thank you Neil, your incredible efforts will not go unnoticed.

2) Richard Crossland is now Safety and Technical Director for Ultra4 Europe. Richard is no stranger to Ultra4 Europe, and has already been a staple aid in the King of the Valleys. He’s now officially on for that race, plus the other 3 in the circuit. An official welcome aboard Richard!

3) Chris Armelin is now Marketing and Media Director for Ultra4 Europe. This one is brand new, best we knew there was no official position of Marketing and Media Director for Ultra4 Europe, but now there is. Chris has over a decade of experience in promotion of European companies & races, so we’re excited to see this new fit for the series. Welcome aboard Chris.

4) Date changes (this one effects US Ultra4 racers as well). King of Portugal has moved to 9/11 – 9/13. Big deal here, this is the same weekend as Ultra4 Superlift Park (Hot Springs). I emailed Dave on Christmas, which he quickly replied (shame on both of us for using email on Christmas!) as to the date conflict. His response, Ultra4 Superlift Park will likely move 1 week before or after. So, heads up to you early planners, this Hot Springs race may change in date a bit.

That’s it, a lot to digest this holiday season. Dave’s original email can be found at http://myemail.constantcontact.com/ULTRA4-Europe-2015-and-Holiday-Greetings.html?soid=1103760552326&aid=DeK1Q3wJrJ0  .

Also, for you iCal users, the link to our constantly updated 2015 Ultra4 Racing Schedule can be found at webcal://p02-calendarws.icloud.com/ca/subscribe/1/kNV-ojgJOQk1zdcbikhOezv1ZpqQbypi0W84rESV2SJVPI9n706RI3Py0wqBjFc5juTdmt3lJPG4sQvR0FrnUYJJgkajwmr_n3YyMMbhIKw .

Our sales offices are closed December 26th, but we are shipping on the 26th so online orders are being processed. Have a great weekend!