Home > Ultra4s at Superlift > Another amazing race in Hot Springs.

Another amazing race in Hot Springs.

September 17th2015
 By Thom Kingston on 2015-09-17T07:35:39-06:00 | Ultra4s at Superlift

54 of 58 -- 2015 Ultra4s at Hot Springs

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Found a few spiders in the forests of Hot Springs, felt best to share those findings here.

What a great race! For those Ultra4 drivers that haven’t yet made the trip out to Hot Springs, Arkansas, add it to your bucket list. The course has everything an Ultra4 racer desires, and the weather this year was just perfect (that’s new, but we’ll take it).

Congrats to Clay & Lindsay Gilstrap for grabbing their first ever Ultra4 win. Followed right behind the Gilstraps was Levi Shirely and Derek West, which *cough cough* secures another podium sweep for Spider 9 axles. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Photos by Thom Kingston, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, so PLEASE download and share, that’s why we put them up here. All we ask for is photo credit. With that, back to work we go.