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Holiday Hours

December 22nd2016
 By Thom Kingston on 2016-12-22T12:34:44-07:00 | The Store

With only a little more than one month left before the big King of the Hammer’s race day week, there’s no question things are far from slowing down around here. With that said, Christmas is right around the corner which means a little time off for all those hard-working Spidertrax elves. Breaking this one into two, for an attempt in holiday closure clarity:

  1. Orders will not ship on Monday, December 26th. Orders placed between December 23rd-26th will ship on Tuesday, December 27th. Pretty simple.
  2. Phones will be shut down Friday, December 23rd thru Wednesday, December 28th, returning to our normal phone schedule Thursday, December 29th. We will be answering support emails and fulfilling online orders during that time (less December 26th, see #1 above), just no phone service.

With that, have a great holiday and enjoy the time with friends and family. All the best!

Edit 2016-12-30T13:37:09-07:00: Best to mention, we will also be closed January 2nd for New Year’s. In-stock order’s placed between December 30th –  January 2nd will ship on January 3rd. Happy New Year!