Archive for the ‘American Rocksports Challenge’ Category

Watch Out Behind You! — 2013 American Rocksports Challenge

November 30th2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Mud Slinging — 2014 Discount Tire American Rocksports Challenge

November 11th2014
Mud Slinging -- 2014 Discount Tire American Rocksports Challenge

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Eyes of the Dragon — 2014 Discount Tire American Rocksports Challenge

November 4th2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

The Tale of Three Kings

August 29th2014

Getting Ready -- 2014 Discount Tire American Rocksports Challeng

Walking the pits last weekend at Ultra4s American Rocksports Challenge, one thing stood out above all else. Intensity and focus filled the air in a manner unlike any race prior, and while the engines in these monsters can wake the dead there was still a level of quiet that surrounded me. Everyone was humble as you’d expect, but something was a bit different this time around. It wasn’t until I left the pits Friday night, the night before the big race, that the lightbulb went off. This race represented the west coast finale, and points among the leaders was as close as you could get. There was fame and money on the line, and it all came down to roughly 40 minutes of Saturday racing. Oh, and it just so happened to be the most aggressive race course ANY Ultra4 driver has seen. Read more…

Let the Games Begin

August 21st2014

Let the Games Begin -- 2013 American Rocksports ChallengeSpidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Another weekend means only one thing… it’s time for some racing! Next up in the 2014 Ultra4 circuit is the American Rocksports Challenge, which has its home at massive Miller Motorsports Park of Tooele, UT. Over 90 drivers are registered for this mixed short course meets man-made rocks terrain, a field that has always dished out non-stop action and nail-biting finishes all weekend long. Drivers from coast to coast will make the journey this year, even King of the Hammer’s champion Erik Miller is making the drive all the way from Maryland. Read more…