Archive for the ‘King of Italy’ Category

The parmesan was great, but the racing was even better.

June 24th2014

The Mountain King -- 2014 King of the MountainsSpidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

There’s no getting around it, my evening meals in Italy were the makings of heaven. These grand tableside feasts were joined by massive quantities of the finest food, drink, conversation, more food, even more drink… and the rest gets a little blurry.  By the sound of it, one might think these banquets were the work of $200 a plate 5 star restaurants, but as it happens I visited no such place. No, this multi-hour culinary extravaganza took place night after night, right in the camping grounds of last weekend’s Ultra4 European race, The King of the Mountains (KOM). As grand as these meals were, they marked only the prelude for what was to come. It was over the next few days, as the race played out, that it became clear… this brand new racing venue would quickly go down in history, as one of the best Ultra4 European races yet. Read more…