Archive for the ‘Ultra4’ Category

T minus 2 days and counting.

May 31st2012


We’re just 2 days away from some Ultra4 east coast action. If you missed it, be sure to check out yesterday’s blog post for event & live coverage details.

Ultra4s head to Rausch Creek, epic race to follow.

May 30th2012

Ultra4s head east this weekend, for the third installment of this years Ultra4 racing circuit. “Home” to Hammer King Erik Miller (pictured above), Rausch Creek’s blended mixture of coal dust and deep mud makes it one of the most unique, and challenging, courses of the year.  As it stands today, there’s over 30 drivers scheduled to race. So, as the title suggests, an epic race is sure to follow.

For those looking to attend in person, or are trying to follow from home, here’s a few things to know which should make following the race much easier for you.

  • When? Tech inspection is this Friday, June 1st, from 8am – noon EST. Prerunning is allowed during that time, with qualifying from noon-4pm EST. Race day is Saturday, June 2nd, with the green flag dropping at 10am EST.
  • Where? As in all years past, the event is held at Rausch Creek Off Road Park in Tremont, PA. Google map link is HERE.
  • Current drivers list? Best list out there right now is on Pirate4x4, linked HERE. The latest post shows 29 4400s and 3 Mods. Likely there’ll be a few more shows come race day.
  • Live coverage? As is usually the case, we’ll be making the trip out east to not only support our teams, but to provide “live” coverage (cell service permitting) and photos during and after the race. At this time, we’re not entirely sure if the Ultra4 CoverItLive feed will be running during race day, but we’ll be certain to use Twitter and Facebook as backup services for posting updates as well.

Hope to see everyone out there this Friday and Saturday, but for those not making the trip in person we hope to see you online.

Miller Motorsports action reel.

May 17th2012

Just a little Miller Motorsports action to get your Thursday going. Courtesy of HeavyMetalConcepts.

Ultra4 Crandon details posted and would you look at those purses!

May 15th2012

Kevin Sacalas #4435

We just received official details on the Ultra4 invite to Crandon’s legendary Internation Speedway. On June 16th and 17th, Ultra4 racers will get their chance to battle it out on the same course, and weekend, as Pro 2, 4, and Light drivers during TORCs Round 5 and 6 competitions. Not only is this going to be a short course race of epic proportions, the Ultra4 weekend purse is an impressive $12,500. But why stop there?

We’re going to add to the Ultra4s purse with our own contingency, exclusively for this Crandon race, of $4,200! Payout’s will be in-line with how we run our normal Ultra4 contingency program, but for Crandon it goes like this:

 For each day of racing. 24″ Spidertrax Decals 18″ Spidertrax Decals
1st Place $1200 $600
2nd Place $600 $300
3rd Place $300 $150

Payouts are for EACH day of racing, and the details for eligibility are as follows:

  • A minimum of 10 participants are required in vehicle’s class (looks like 15 are already registered, so this shouldn’t be a problem).
  • Vehicle must be equipped with at least one Spidertrax branded product.
  • Two Spidertrax decals (18″ or 24″ long) are required to be visible on vehicle, with one decal located on vehicle’s passenger side & one decal located on vehicle’s driver side. All decals must be supplied by Spidertrax.

We plan on making the trip out, not only to enjoy the awesome short course action Ultra4s are sure to deliver, but also watch Brad Lovell continue to battle it out in the official TORC Pro Light class. Hope to see you there!

Same made in USA bearing. New low price.

May 14th2012

For over half a decade, we’ve pushed Ultra4 innovation to all new levels with our made in USA 1 ton unit bearings. Today, we’re proud to bring you this same time proven product at an all new price of $299. Three bolt patterns to choose from (5 lug, 6 lug, & 8 lug), in-stock and ready to ship.

Who said Mondays where bad?