Archive for December, 2014

A few updates for Ultra4 2015.

December 26th2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

The 2015 race season hasn’t yet started, but we already have ourselves some big changes newly minted. Dave Cole dropped some big news on Christmas Eve, and while this “Holiday Greetings from Dave Cole” letter was focused primarily on the 2015 Ultra4 European Tour, the domestic tour has been impacted a bit as well. Summary of changes as follows: Read more…

Easy Now — 2014 Nitto National Championship

December 24th2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Always a Racer — 2014 King of the Valleys

December 23rd2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

While Pier Acerni was busy building his latest Ultra4 creation, Will Overton was nice enough to “loan” his Jeep for Pier to race the 2014 King of the Valleys. You know who the top racers are when they can jump in anything and look faster than nearly the entire field.

With that said, be sure to check out & like Pier’s new European Ultra4 Racer, easily on track to be one of the baddest Ultra4 machines for 2015. Facebook page with build progress @ .

Snapshot — 2012 Dirt Riot Nationals

December 22nd2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Airborne — 2014 4Wheel Parts Glen Helen Grand Prix

December 21st2014
Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0

Spidertrax | Thom Kingston | CC BY 3.0