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CARtoon’d Erik Miller

January 24th2015
 By Thom Kingston on 2015-01-24T07:00:24-07:00 | CARtoon'd


Michele Dallorso has been crafting his “CARtoons” for some time now. If you’re a frequent browser of the Book of Faces, you’ve probably seen his work show up in all art forms including posters, t-shirt designs, desktop background, etc. The folks over at DrivingLine caught on to his talent pretty quick, and for some time now has been featuring Michele’s work in a series called CARtoons. The latest installment features non other than Erik Miller, who has just loaded up the trailer for his over 2,400 mile ONE WAY trip to Johnson Valley, California (#koh2015 baby!).

We love these CARtoons, just one more element to add into all things that are great about Ultra4. Learn more about the background of this CARtoon at http://www.drivingline.com/2015/01/erik-miller-cartoon/ , and be sure to check out more of Michele’s work on DrivingLine at http://www.drivingline.com/author/mdallorso/ .

#koh2015 week starts in t-minus 8 days and counting.