Home > Spider 9 > Spider 9 IFS in a JK? You bet!

Spider 9 IFS in a JK? You bet!

November 13th2015
 By Thom Kingston on 2015-11-13T12:50:17-07:00 | Spider 9


SEMA never disappoints. Wes and the folks over at Amanda have been busy crafting something very unique for this year’s SEMA, and we couldn’t help but share. This video shows off a prototype JK IFS suspension, using Spider 9 IFS components, and without a question this one wins the “thinking outside of the box” award. Sort of a hybrid between a TTB & a-arm suspension, with one goal in mind — packaging as much travel as possible into the smallest space possible. In the end, they pulled off 16″ of front wheel travel into a very tight space, and it’s just a cool thing to see. Hope you enjoy this one, with that make it a great weekend!