Here’s the last shot in our 2012 Vegas to Reno Ultra4 series, showing off Brad & Roger Lovell of Lovell Racing. Tomorrow, we’ll be uploading the high res versions of our V2R photos that were posted throughout the week. Till then, have a great night!

Another shot of Erik Miller at Vegas to Reno, ripping around a sharp turn shortly after Pit 6.
Here’s Loren Healy, heading out of Pit 3. The title for this post comes from the small signs, as shown on the right of this photo, that lined the race course. We’re still amazed drivers can navigate their way thru markers like these at high speeds.

Australian native Ben Napier, pictured above, was one of 19 Ultra4 drivers who took on this year’s Vegas to Reno. Like many others, attrition got the best of his racer but even still Ben and his team conquered roughly 400 miles of desert racing.

Chasing and shooting a 534 mile race is a lot of fun. After each stop, you find yourself studying the course map, trying to best figure out “where should I head next”. Right before Pit 9, mile marker 307, there was a spot where the course crossed highway 95. This wasn’t uncommon, except at this point the map was marked “Underpass”. Although sectioned off with fence and barbed wire, we managed to navigate our way down to the course where, in fact, racers had to negotiate their way UNDER the highway.
We managed to grab this shot of Erik Miller, who barely slowed down as he flew thru the Underpass. It was a tight squeeze no doubt, still trying to imagine what this looked like with the Trophy and Class 1 classes.